Sunday, August 11, 2019

Abstract Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Abstract - Article Example The author uses the term â€Å"new public management† to refer to a number of public sector reforms being carried out in a number of developed countries in Europe and North America. Kaboolian (2012) notes that it would be difficult to tell whether the reforms taken in public sector management across countries can be termed as a paradigm shift. He points out that there ought to be a scientific study to ascertain whether the changes can really be termed as a paradigm shift in the true scientific sense. Kaboolian, (1998), notes that most countries are using the market as a model for administrative relationships. He notes that there are three factors that are influencing reforms in public management all across the board. These are transaction cost economies, public choice model and the principal agent-theory. The study notes that, although the amount and the depth of reform being carried out differ from one country to the other, almost all countries carrying out the reforms have similar goals. â€Å"While reform movements are different in depth and scope and success by country they are remarkably similar in goals,† (Kaboolian, 1998, p. 190).The study also found almost all the parties were utilizing similar technologies in carrying out the reform. All management reforms aim to improve the responsiveness of the public service to the needs of the public. Kaboolian (1998) calls for separation between policy making and service delivery. Another article on public management, titled â€Å"Public Management and Government Performance: An International Review† assess the popularity of measuring performance in public management among various governments around the world. In the article Forbes (2005) notes that governments are more interested in performance as opposed to implementation of policy goals. Generally most governments have taken a performance orientation. Countries

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