Wednesday, July 31, 2019

French and Indian War Essay

The French and Indian War altered the political, economic, and ideological relations between Britain and American colonies. Ideologically, this War brought up resentment toward Britain this changed the political relationship between Britain and its colonists because the British were forced to unfairly tax them due to their debt. The French and Indian war transformed North America by only leaving the British and the colonists left in their region. Greedy as the British were they did not treat the colonists fair by taxing them lead to resentment that lead to the American Revolution. After the French and Indian War, North America completely changed. Before 1754 English, French, Spanish, and the Russians had a portion of North America that they had power over. After 1763 the French were completely left out and had no land at all. (Document A) This impacted Britain and American colonists politically because it lead to the Proclamation of 1763 where Native Americans believed that the white people were not allowed to settle in their land that they had inhabited for hundreds of years. (Document .B) Britain thought that with the proclamation everything would turn out great, but it did not it just angered the colonists. They were angry because they believed they had no freedom. After the French and Indian War, England had to pay off a huge debt that had been accumulating over the years. The only way they saw to pay this was to regulate trade meaning that they would have fully control and know who and what they are trading with, and to tax everything. Britain made these changes and angered the colonists even more because the colonists felt it was not fair that all of a sudden they started taxing everything. (Document F) Taxation had a huge impact on the economic relationship between the colonists and their mother country because many of these acts forced the Americans to ship their raw materials to Britain, only to later buy the finished products from them. Mercantilism was soon abandoned when the colonists rebelled. An act that really angered the colonists was the Stamp act. Colonists furious of these taxations used boycotting as their weapon, they practiced non-importation and non-consumption. Although hurting the colonists and the British, the British soon came to realize that they were not messing around.(Document G) Colonists coming together and boycotting these acts had a huge impact on the British ideological values. The colonists felt that taxation was another thing that they should be mad at the British for. It added more stuff to what was already going on. The colonists were already mad about the Proclomation and just taxing everything did not make colonists happier. The colonists soon came to understand that they had little to no freedom which lead to the idea of becoming independent. Thinking that they could stand on their own. They don’t need the British. (Document D) The French and Indian war brought up resentment toward the british this changed the political relationship between Britain and the colonists because of the taxation that the British put on everything. Colonists began to change their mindset from being one whole colony to believing that they could stand on their own and become independent thus leading to the Revolution.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Child Labour in Pakistan

Internet Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of mankind. Ten years ago, the term internet was practically anonymous to most of people. Today internet has become the most ever powerful tool for man throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Internet has its advantages and disadvantages. But usually, the advantages of internet outweigh its disadvantages. Communication is one of the greatest services of the internet.By using MSN, FACEBOOK or something else, we can communicate in second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. Today for better communication, we can chat for hours with our loved ones. With the help of such services, the internet has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship and share our thoughts. Also we can explore other cultures of different ethnicity on the internet. Information also is a big advantage that internet is offer ing. The internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the internet.The search engines like Google, Yahoo is at your service on the internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that you are looking for. Students and teens are among the top users who surf the internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students should use the internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers have given assignments, which require research on the internet, to students. Entertainment is another reason why many people prefer to surf the internet. Downloading games, visiting chat rooms or watching online movies are some of the uses people have discovered.There are numerous of games that may be downloaded from the internet for free. Chat rooms are popular because users can meet new and interesting people. When people surf the Web, there are numerous things that can be found such as music, hobbies, news, sports. Theft of personal information is one of the biggest disadvantages of the internet. When you are using the internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. Spamming Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system.Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you. Virus threat Virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache. Pornography This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children’s healthy mental life. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to let children use the internet.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Administrative Law

This problem is a straight forward problem in judicial review and prerogative remedies. Judicial review can be done through Prerogative orders. Judicial review refers to the Court’s review of a lower or administrative body’s factual or legal findings[1]. Prerogative remedies are remedies which if not always are designed from the first for the control of governmental duties and powers, have long been used for the purpose especially[2]. These remedies are such as certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and habeas corpus. Appropriate remedies which Cristiano Ronaldo may seek in an action before the High Court and the reasons for seeking of each of the remedies are; Certiorari, this is an order issued by the High Court to an inferior court or any authority exercising judicial functions to investigate and decide the legality and the validity of the orders passed by it. Ronaldo can apply for a remedy of certiorari following the reasons that the administrative body acted in excess of its powers of which is one of the suitable condition for the issuance of this remedy. The reason with which this order can be issued is due to the fact that the administrative body had exercised its powers in excess. In the case of R vs. Electricity commissioners,[3] it stated the conditions suitable for the application of the writ of certiorari in that when a body of persons having a legal authority to determine questions affecting the rights of subjects and having the duty to act judicially, acts in excess of their legal authority, they are subject to the controlling jurisdiction of the King’s Bench Division. Ronaldo can also base on the ground that there was a failure on the part of the Director of Trade to exercise his discretionary power. The conditions vested upon this ground, is that the same discretionary powers must be exercised by the person to whom it is vested and within the ambit of the law. For instance, in the case of Keshavan Bhaskaran vs. State of Kerala,[4] the rule provided that no school-leaving certificate would be granted to any person unless he had reached 15 years of age. Under certain deserving circumstances, the Director was empowered to grant exemptions from this rule. But the director further self-imposed his own rule that unless the deficiency in age was less than two years, which was contrary to the provisions of the discretion. The court held that the rule of policy was contrary to the law; hence the decision was quashed by certiorari. Also Ronaldo can advance in his argument the fact that there was a violation of the rules of Natural Justice which are the right to be heard and the rule against bias. He was not given the opportunity to be heard. For example in the case of Simeoni Manyaki v. Institute of Financial Management[5], the court issued certiorari on the reason of failure to observe the rules of natural justice by refusing the applicant the right to be heard. The case of Sinai Mrumbe and Another v. Muhere Chacha[6] provides that the order of Certiorari is issued by the High Court to quash the proceedings and the decision of a subordinate court or tribunal or a public authority where there are no other alternative remedy. In this problem there is no other remedy which has been stated to be availed to Ronaldo. Therefore certiorari can be issued against Mr. Toure. The other remedy is mandamus; this is the prerogative writ for compelling performance of public duties. It is a discretionary prerogative power which the court will grant only in suitable cases and withhold in others. Mandamus commands the authority to perform some legal duty. For Mandamus to be granted the case of John Mwombeki Byombalirwa v. The Regional Commissioner Kagera and Another[7], Mwalusanya, J (as he then was) advanced five conditions for an order of mandamus to be issued they are as follows; the applicant must have demanded performance and the respondent must have refused to perform, the respondent as public officers must have a public duty to perform imposed on them by the statute or any other law but it should not be a duty owed solely to the state but should be a duty owed to the individual citizen. The public duty imposed shou ld be of an imperative nature and not a discretionary one. The applicant must have locus stand that is he must have sufficient interest in the matter he is applying for lastly there should be no other appropriate remedy available to the applicant. In this problem the conditions are present as Ronaldo has demanded the performance for the renewal of license and the Director of Trade refused and he was not been given notice as noted in the case of Palm Beach Inn Ltd and Another v. Commissioner for Tourism and Two Others[8]. Also Mr. Toure was having a duty to perform on him thus to grant license. This duty was not of an imperative nature as the case of considering the application of license and not discretion as per the case of Re Mohamed Aslam Khan[9]. Also Ronaldo has a interest as he is an aggrieved person thus he has a locus standi as per the case of Alfred Lakaru v. Town Director Arusha[10]. Lastly there is no other appropriate remedy as the right to appeal is not indicated in the problem. Reasons in which Ronaldo can base in his application are violation of the rules of natural justice as per the case of Simeoni Manyaki v. Institute of Financial Management[11] Also there was irrelevant consideration as per the case of Fernandez v. Kericho Liquor Licensing Board. Error of jurisdiction as per the case of R v. Minister of Transport[12], failure to exercise discretion and legitimate expectation as per the case of Schmidt v. Secretary of Home Affairs[13] . PART B: Grounds upon which Cristiano Ronaldo would advance in his argument to convince the court to grant him remedies h e seeks are; Violation of the rules of natural justice, remedies can be issued where there is a violation of natural justice. In this problem Cristiano Ronaldo was not given a hearing thus the right to be heard before the renewal of his license was refused by the Director of Trade. The right to be heard is derived from the Latin maxim ‘audi alteram partem’, which simply means hear the other side. Under this the person to be affected by the decision of the administrative body must be given a notice of the case against him so that he can defend himself for example in the case of R v. University of Cambridge[14], the applicant was deprived of his degree on allegations of misconduct but no notice was given to him. The court quashed the decision for the breach of the rules of natural justice. Ronaldo was not given any prior warning by the Local licensing authority Also there is hearing thus the must be given a fair opportunity to present his case and contradict any statement prejudicial to his interests. In this problem Ronaldo was not given a hearing for example in the case of Felix Bushaija and Ot hers v. Institute of Development Management Mzumbe and Others[15]; in this case the students were expelled from the institution without a hearing. They made application for prerogative orders of certiorari, mandamus and prohibition to quash the decision to expel them and affording the students the right to be heard. The remedies ware awarded basing on the ground of violation of the rules of natural justice. Another ground is legitimate expectation; this ground is evoked when an individual was affected by an adverse decision of the administrative body without being heard. In this problem the Director of Trade refuses the renewal of business license to Ronaldo in which he was having expectations that the license was to be renewed as it in other years the respective administrative authority denies to grant the same to that individual, without availing him with a hearing and good reasons. In the case of Schmidt vs. Secretary of Home Affairs,[16] it was held that the rules of natural justice also protect any legitimate expectation of a person of which it would be unfair to deprive him without hearing of what he would have to say. There is failure to exercise jurisdiction as there is dictation or abdication. Acting under dictation happen when an authority acts under the dictation of a superior authority which in fact was not what was intended by the statute. This ground is clear as the Director of Trade, Mr. Koure Toure, was acting from firm instructions of Thiery Henry the influential councilor at the city hall. For example in the case of Cader vs. Commissioner for Mosque,[17] in this case a board was having power to appoint trustee of mosque they consulted the member of Parliament who supplied the list of names including his own name the board later endorse the names supplied by the Member of Parliament. The court held that the decision of the Board was null and void because it was made by an outsider. Also Mr. Koure Toure, the Local licensing Authority have considered irrelevant matters and leaving out relevant matters. The statement that the license is not renewable on the grounds of irresponsible behavior of the applicant and that he does not respect his elders and consequently not being fit to hold a license, is purely a consideration of irrelevant matters which omits the principle that it is only the relevant matters that are to be considered by any administrative body. If the authority takes into account only irrelevant or extraneous considerations, the exercise of that power will be ultra vires and the action termed as bad. For instance, in the case of Hukam Chand vs. Union of India,[18] upon the petitioner’s phone disconnection on the grounds of it being used for illegal trading, the Supreme Court held that it was an extraneous consideration and an arbitrary exercise of power by the authority. Likewise, in the case of Re:Bukoba Gymkhana Club,[19] in this case the court ruled that the refusal for the renewal of the license by the Licensing Authority on the ground that the club was discriminatory by looking in its composition was ultra vires due to irrelevant consideration In addition to that the decision made by the Director of Trade as the Local Licensing Authority was unreasonable and no reasonable authority will make such a decision of refusing the applicant’s renewal of business license on the ground of irresponsible behaviour and that he did not respect his elders. In the case of Kruse vs. Johnson,[20] the local authority passed the by law prohibiting any person from music and singing in any public place or highway within 50 yards of any dwelling house the court nullified the by law on the ground of unreasonableness and therefore ultra vires. Error of jurisdiction, this happens when an inferior court or tribunal acts without jurisdiction or fails to exercise jurisdiction vested in it by law. This is due do the fact that Mr. Thierry Henry assumed jurisdiction and give firm instructions to the Director of Trade not to renew Ronaldo’s license under any circumstance. In the case of R v. Minister of Transport[21], it was held that even though the minister was not empowered to revoke the license he passed an order of revocation of license. The decision was quashed. Convincingly Cristiano Ronaldo should be granted the remedies as prayed for due to the grounds afore mentioned the aim being to keep the Local Licensing Authority within the limits of its jurisdiction. Administrative Law This problem is a straight forward problem in judicial review and prerogative remedies. Judicial review can be done through Prerogative orders. Judicial review refers to the Court’s review of a lower or administrative body’s factual or legal findings[1]. Prerogative remedies are remedies which if not always are designed from the first for the control of governmental duties and powers, have long been used for the purpose especially[2]. These remedies are such as certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and habeas corpus. Appropriate remedies which Cristiano Ronaldo may seek in an action before the High Court and the reasons for seeking of each of the remedies are; Certiorari, this is an order issued by the High Court to an inferior court or any authority exercising judicial functions to investigate and decide the legality and the validity of the orders passed by it. Ronaldo can apply for a remedy of certiorari following the reasons that the administrative body acted in excess of its powers of which is one of the suitable condition for the issuance of this remedy. The reason with which this order can be issued is due to the fact that the administrative body had exercised its powers in excess. In the case of R vs. Electricity commissioners,[3] it stated the conditions suitable for the application of the writ of certiorari in that when a body of persons having a legal authority to determine questions affecting the rights of subjects and having the duty to act judicially, acts in excess of their legal authority, they are subject to the controlling jurisdiction of the King’s Bench Division. Ronaldo can also base on the ground that there was a failure on the part of the Director of Trade to exercise his discretionary power. The conditions vested upon this ground, is that the same discretionary powers must be exercised by the person to whom it is vested and within the ambit of the law. For instance, in the case of Keshavan Bhaskaran vs. State of Kerala,[4] the rule provided that no school-leaving certificate would be granted to any person unless he had reached 15 years of age. Under certain deserving circumstances, the Director was empowered to grant exemptions from this rule. But the director further self-imposed his own rule that unless the deficiency in age was less than two years, which was contrary to the provisions of the discretion. The court held that the rule of policy was contrary to the law; hence the decision was quashed by certiorari. Also Ronaldo can advance in his argument the fact that there was a violation of the rules of Natural Justice which are the right to be heard and the rule against bias. He was not given the opportunity to be heard. For example in the case of Simeoni Manyaki v. Institute of Financial Management[5], the court issued certiorari on the reason of failure to observe the rules of natural justice by refusing the applicant the right to be heard. The case of Sinai Mrumbe and Another v. Muhere Chacha[6] provides that the order of Certiorari is issued by the High Court to quash the proceedings and the decision of a subordinate court or tribunal or a public authority where there are no other alternative remedy. In this problem there is no other remedy which has been stated to be availed to Ronaldo. Therefore certiorari can be issued against Mr. Toure. The other remedy is mandamus; this is the prerogative writ for compelling performance of public duties. It is a discretionary prerogative power which the court will grant only in suitable cases and withhold in others. Mandamus commands the authority to perform some legal duty. For Mandamus to be granted the case of John Mwombeki Byombalirwa v. The Regional Commissioner Kagera and Another[7], Mwalusanya, J (as he then was) advanced five conditions for an order of mandamus to be issued they are as follows; the applicant must have demanded performance and the respondent must have refused to perform, the respondent as public officers must have a public duty to perform imposed on them by the statute or any other law but it should not be a duty owed solely to the state but should be a duty owed to the individual citizen. The public duty imposed shou ld be of an imperative nature and not a discretionary one. The applicant must have locus stand that is he must have sufficient interest in the matter he is applying for lastly there should be no other appropriate remedy available to the applicant. In this problem the conditions are present as Ronaldo has demanded the performance for the renewal of license and the Director of Trade refused and he was not been given notice as noted in the case of Palm Beach Inn Ltd and Another v. Commissioner for Tourism and Two Others[8]. Also Mr. Toure was having a duty to perform on him thus to grant license. This duty was not of an imperative nature as the case of considering the application of license and not discretion as per the case of Re Mohamed Aslam Khan[9]. Also Ronaldo has a interest as he is an aggrieved person thus he has a locus standi as per the case of Alfred Lakaru v. Town Director Arusha[10]. Lastly there is no other appropriate remedy as the right to appeal is not indicated in the problem. Reasons in which Ronaldo can base in his application are violation of the rules of natural justice as per the case of Simeoni Manyaki v. Institute of Financial Management[11] Also there was irrelevant consideration as per the case of Fernandez v. Kericho Liquor Licensing Board. Error of jurisdiction as per the case of R v. Minister of Transport[12], failure to exercise discretion and legitimate expectation as per the case of Schmidt v. Secretary of Home Affairs[13] . PART B: Grounds upon which Cristiano Ronaldo would advance in his argument to convince the court to grant him remedies h e seeks are; Violation of the rules of natural justice, remedies can be issued where there is a violation of natural justice. In this problem Cristiano Ronaldo was not given a hearing thus the right to be heard before the renewal of his license was refused by the Director of Trade. The right to be heard is derived from the Latin maxim ‘audi alteram partem’, which simply means hear the other side. Under this the person to be affected by the decision of the administrative body must be given a notice of the case against him so that he can defend himself for example in the case of R v. University of Cambridge[14], the applicant was deprived of his degree on allegations of misconduct but no notice was given to him. The court quashed the decision for the breach of the rules of natural justice. Ronaldo was not given any prior warning by the Local licensing authority Also there is hearing thus the must be given a fair opportunity to present his case and contradict any statement prejudicial to his interests. In this problem Ronaldo was not given a hearing for example in the case of Felix Bushaija and Ot hers v. Institute of Development Management Mzumbe and Others[15]; in this case the students were expelled from the institution without a hearing. They made application for prerogative orders of certiorari, mandamus and prohibition to quash the decision to expel them and affording the students the right to be heard. The remedies ware awarded basing on the ground of violation of the rules of natural justice. Another ground is legitimate expectation; this ground is evoked when an individual was affected by an adverse decision of the administrative body without being heard. In this problem the Director of Trade refuses the renewal of business license to Ronaldo in which he was having expectations that the license was to be renewed as it in other years the respective administrative authority denies to grant the same to that individual, without availing him with a hearing and good reasons. In the case of Schmidt vs. Secretary of Home Affairs,[16] it was held that the rules of natural justice also protect any legitimate expectation of a person of which it would be unfair to deprive him without hearing of what he would have to say. There is failure to exercise jurisdiction as there is dictation or abdication. Acting under dictation happen when an authority acts under the dictation of a superior authority which in fact was not what was intended by the statute. This ground is clear as the Director of Trade, Mr. Koure Toure, was acting from firm instructions of Thiery Henry the influential councilor at the city hall. For example in the case of Cader vs. Commissioner for Mosque,[17] in this case a board was having power to appoint trustee of mosque they consulted the member of Parliament who supplied the list of names including his own name the board later endorse the names supplied by the Member of Parliament. The court held that the decision of the Board was null and void because it was made by an outsider. Also Mr. Koure Toure, the Local licensing Authority have considered irrelevant matters and leaving out relevant matters. The statement that the license is not renewable on the grounds of irresponsible behavior of the applicant and that he does not respect his elders and consequently not being fit to hold a license, is purely a consideration of irrelevant matters which omits the principle that it is only the relevant matters that are to be considered by any administrative body. If the authority takes into account only irrelevant or extraneous considerations, the exercise of that power will be ultra vires and the action termed as bad. For instance, in the case of Hukam Chand vs. Union of India,[18] upon the petitioner’s phone disconnection on the grounds of it being used for illegal trading, the Supreme Court held that it was an extraneous consideration and an arbitrary exercise of power by the authority. Likewise, in the case of Re:Bukoba Gymkhana Club,[19] in this case the court ruled that the refusal for the renewal of the license by the Licensing Authority on the ground that the club was discriminatory by looking in its composition was ultra vires due to irrelevant consideration In addition to that the decision made by the Director of Trade as the Local Licensing Authority was unreasonable and no reasonable authority will make such a decision of refusing the applicant’s renewal of business license on the ground of irresponsible behaviour and that he did not respect his elders. In the case of Kruse vs. Johnson,[20] the local authority passed the by law prohibiting any person from music and singing in any public place or highway within 50 yards of any dwelling house the court nullified the by law on the ground of unreasonableness and therefore ultra vires. Error of jurisdiction, this happens when an inferior court or tribunal acts without jurisdiction or fails to exercise jurisdiction vested in it by law. This is due do the fact that Mr. Thierry Henry assumed jurisdiction and give firm instructions to the Director of Trade not to renew Ronaldo’s license under any circumstance. In the case of R v. Minister of Transport[21], it was held that even though the minister was not empowered to revoke the license he passed an order of revocation of license. The decision was quashed. Convincingly Cristiano Ronaldo should be granted the remedies as prayed for due to the grounds afore mentioned the aim being to keep the Local Licensing Authority within the limits of its jurisdiction.

Finance HW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Finance HW - Assignment Example The stock s dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 8%, and it currently sells for $50 a share. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? d. When stock in a closely held corporation is offered to the public for the first time, the transaction is called "going public, or an IPO," and the market for such stock is called the new issue or IPO market. d. Limited liability is an advantage of the corporate form of organization to its owners (stockholders), but corporations have more trouble raising money in financial markets because of the complexity of this form of organization. Schalheim Sisters Inc. has always paid out all of its earnings as dividends, hence the firm has no retained earnings. This same situation is expected to persist in the future. The company uses the CAPM to calculate its cost of equity, its target capital structure consists of common stock, preferred stock, and debt. Which of the following events would REDUCE its

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The administrative structure of public education in the state of Essay

The administrative structure of public education in the state of California - Essay Example 2) To establish a viable structure, by employing a superintendent, laying down guidelines for hiring other personnel, adopting appropriate policies and curriculum, establishing budget priorities and ensuring provision of facilities. The Board also gives direction for formulating and adopting collective bargaining agreements. 3) To provide support to the superintendent and staff to carry out their functions by providing good personnel management, making resources available, upholding district policies, and liasing between the public and school functionaries. 4) To ensure performance/ program/ financial accountability to the public. . The Board evaluates the superintendent, and sets guidelines for evaluation of other staff, periodically assesses the curriculum and student performance, and also does self-assessments. 5) To acts as community leader by meaningfully involving the community in educational programs; it communicates to them information on district policies/ programs. The Board stands as a link between the student and the community too. (School Board Leadership) Discussion Question (2) Briefly discuss a case or hearing that was presented at your local school board or in one of the court systems. What was the final decision Give your opinion and/or reason for supporting this decision. I refer to a case of 1981, Segraves v. State of California. (Sacramento Superior Court #278978) Although the case is more than twenty-five years old, the issue is current. It relates to the teaching of scientific evolution in the classroom, and its likely clash with the religious views of the students, and their right to their views (as enshrined in the US Constitution). Segraves' contention was that the discussion of the Theory of Evolution prevented his children and him from the free exercise of their religion. The court, however, "found that the California State Board of Education's Science Framework, as written and as qualified by its anti-dogmatism Policy, gave sufficient accommodation to the views of Segraves." (Matsumura & Mead, 2001). The Anti-dogmatism Policy insisted that scientific explanations in the class room focus on the 'how', and not 'ultimate cause', and that speculative statements concerning origins, "both in texts and in classes, should be presented conditionally, not dogmatically." (Matsumura & Mead, 2001) The court also ruled that all areas of science be covered by this Anti-dogmatism Policy. While I agree that science should be taught without dogmatism, it is also necessary that dogmatic adherence to religious beliefs do not prevent a child from acquiring scientific knowledge. Therefore, the judgement in this case was right, permitting openness in looking at scientific theories, and the evidence that was available to support them. *Prompt: Numerous Civil Rights Acts have covered a variety of topics that have influenced public education: unlawful employment practices, denial of benefits, equal rights, equal protection, and equal employment opportunities. Elaborate on a statement that I heard at a governor's conference which stated, "The Right to Read is a student's Civil Right" Explain how the above quote may be both a detriment and an asset to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Possible Product and Service of Zappos com Case Study

The Possible Product and Service of Zappos com - Case Study Example It is essential to determine that such a strategy in any way contributed to the success in shoes or whether it would be able to replicate the success in other product lines. It is also fundamental to determine how the company could scale the business with revenues of tens of billions. Moreover, the major effort of the company was to â€Å"wow† its customers by providing with maximum customer satisfaction. The market faced a hard situation as the economic scenario varied dramatically in late 2008, together with financial market collapsing and recession. Unlike the other many websites selling at the lower price during the period, the service-intensive company’s business was based on sales at the little discount or no discount. Evaluating the competencies o the organization would enable us to understand the chain issues and other critical elements to company’s success. Zappos always strives to foster a culture that understands the impact of working capital on the profitability of the firm. The process of decision making and the daily activities of the firm must be carried out on the basis of working capital management analysis. The company manages the decision making through a cross-functional communication system. The decision making is used to drive and maximize the working capital performance of the firm. also has already developed a training program to impart working capital management principles into practice. The management team utilizes the decision-making process to integrate capital management into the fabric of organizational culture. In the same way, the process of decision making in the routine activities reveals the glowing significance of cash management. It helps the management in all forms of risk management within the firm. The organization takes record of the important decision and measures taken by the management team.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Construction Management 'Contract Law' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Construction Management 'Contract Law' - Essay Example However, it might also be noted that most of the issues in the building industry has already been faced by many and need not be learnt by us or that there is no need to foresee the problems and produce a document catering to all the nuances of the business. It is better and easier and many times more accurate to adopt and alter the existing standard construction agreements for our own benefit, if needed. RIBA 2005 is the new set of documents that is available for construction companies and builder to make up contracts with every one of the sub contractors. Construction contracts are more in line with the expectations of the construction industry. Most of the standard forms cater to the complete requirement of the project. This also specifies the forms that get used during the process to ensure that the work is reported back to the main contractor in right earnest. Most of the contract agreements not just specify the terms of the agreement legally, but also specify other formats that become day-to-day reporting formats and for metrics of the project and its progress. There are formats that are looked at as 'one with the contractor's design'. The contractors' design and the execution would go together in the case of the project. This will ensure that there is a single point contract for the owner and the responsibility of execution rests with the contractor for both. This may not be comfortable in our current case since there could be changes in the design and the concepts which the owner might like to modify as the construction progresses. The basic idea of the contract is to ensure that the requirements of 'the Employer' or the client are met in full form. In order to ensure that this happens, the contract would always start with an Employer's requirements or Contractors proposals. This will have all the requirements of the employer or the owner listed in detail and specifies the base purpose of the requirement as well. This will not look at the design specifications or any other material that might be a part of the construction in it. This will only detail the requirements and the complete specifications for the project. This could be the cost of the project or the budget allocation from the client; this should also list the constraints within which the contractor is supposed to work. The limitations could be in terms of time, money, land and in any of the other parameters. The contractor needs to necessarily work within these constraints and meet the requirements that have been raised by the employer. These requirem ents will form the basis of the contractor's proposals. Based on the requirements document that is given by the employer or the owner, the contractor provides his contractors' proposal. This proposal in our case will be with the architect. Based on the requirements from the employer, the contractor would prepare the proposal so that it should meet the requirements espoused by the employer. However, if the contractors' proposal were to raise any issues or contradictions or clarifications, the same can be further clarified with the contractor and his exact commitment as to the execution of the contract can be laid out. This could lead to an increase in the price or might lead to an extension of time. However, this would

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Anti keylogger techniques Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anti keylogger techniques - Literature review Example The recent increase in internet usage means that that the disadvantages of key-loggers outweigh its productive uses. The source amplifies how key-loggers are a serious threat to privacy and security, especially because they are barely discernible against anti-virus and spyware applications. Transient kernel control flow attacks are an innovative group of stealthy kernel-level malware that apply dynamic soft timers to attain considerable work while evading any continual alterations to kernel code or data (Wei, Payne, Giffin, and Pu, 2008). To defend against attacks such as stealthy key logger and a CPU cycle stealer, it is essential to examine the static analysis of the entire kernel. The source affirms that through this, one can identify and catalog all genuine STIR in a database. At run-time, a reference monitor in a reliable virtual machine allows the implementation of recognized and good soft timer interrupt requests and averts implementation of all unidentified STIRs. Schiffman and Kaplan (2014) present new SMM-based malware that usurps USB host controllers to interrupt USB events. System Management Mode (SMM) in x86 can manage physical hardware that the host operating system cannot notice virtually. It is a new class of malware with unbelievable power that helps to transform kernel data structures and trapping on I/O registers to execute PS/2 key loggers. In essence, it helps SMM root kits to manage USB devices straightforwardly without while denying the OS kernel from receiving USB-related hardware interrupts. Schiffman and Kaplan also discuss a proof-of-concept USB key logger, which are harder to identify than previous SMM-based key loggers that are activated by OS actions like port I/O. The source further suggests extra extensions to this technique and processes to avoid and moderate such attacks. Gupta, Sengupta, Bhattacharyya, and Chattrejee (2009) present a user verification

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Portfolio for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for third year Essay - 1

Portfolio for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for third year radiography students - Essay Example Furthermore, I have been furnished with aptitudes of creating an enthusiasm toward confirmation-based practice and deciphering information from a mixed bag of sources. Predominately learning and close supervision in clinical environment will empower me to create capacity to work in a group. On the other hand, Radiography and imaging have provided for me the capacity to relate complex components of information to each other, to look for connections and incorporate branches of knowledge, hypothesis, and clinical experience and a discriminating and scientific methodology to information and proof. I have procured further union of fitting study aptitudes and of discriminating considering, improvement of critical thinking and examination abilities, and the capacity to consider and in this way create their practice and scholarly aptitudes (Gonczi 1994). I have created relational abilities at various levels. In addition, I have created the capacity to recognize my confinements in my general vicinity of practice. I am skilled to do stress on investigation, union, and reflection; capacity to handle cognitive many-sided quality; to assess; to apply information and new aptitudes in new circumstances; and to apply the specific to the general. Moreover, I will have the capacity to c onvey methods of examination in their general vicinity of practice (Greenhalgh 1997). The most evident learning difficulties confronting me identify with the effective fulfillment of their center proficient assignments in practice. Extensive learning for recently qualified radiographers originates from their commitment with the act as they progress towards getting to be knowledgeable experts in their personal freedom. The test of the work itself can prompt huge adapting, especially for the recently qualified. As indicated by Lave and Wenger (1991), Radiographers need to oversee patients under changing circumstances and act as a major aspect of a group.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Intermediate coporate finance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Intermediate coporate finance - Research Paper Example But of late the U.S. has become to a lesser extent reliant on China’s funding of its deficits predominantly as the U.S. classified saving rate has increased and the current account shortage has decreased. However, the mere scale of the U.S. shortage funding need which is approximately $1.6 trillion budget deficit in 2010 and forecast of almost $9 trillion of shortages over the next decade in the markets of bond and currency are delicate (Prasad, 2010). On the other hand an abrupt activity by China to move uncompromisingly out of U.S. dollar designated instruments, or even a declaration to such an extent, would work as a set off around the jumpy market sentiments resulting to a quick plunge in bond prices and the rate of the U.S. dollar. At the same time China would also be facing huge capital loss since its majority holdings are in the U.S. Treasury market. This would also end up in reduction of the Treasury bond rates due to increase in interest rates or even if the renminbi appreciated in value comparative to the U.S. dollar (Prasad, 2010). Over the past years trade amongst the two economies has seen consistent increase in quantity and China’s foremost export market is US. The exports from China, to the U.S. sprang up from $100 billion in 2000 to $296 billion in 2009, and at the same time the imports increased from $16 billion to $70 billion. Thus there has been a fixed percentage of export to the US by China which is 21% right through from 1998 to 2006 but this percentage fell to 18 during 2007-2009. On the other hand even though there has been increase in the exports of US to China the percentage still remains below 5 (Prasad and GU, 2009). Many of the spiny consequences in the bilateral relationship amongst these two countries can be described as the growth of the mounting bilateral U.S. trade deficit with China. This shortage sprang up from about $84 billion in 2000 to nearly $227 billion in 2009. This figure of

Using cognitive learning theory to explain what is involved in Essay

Using cognitive learning theory to explain what is involved in learning in particular learning activity - Essay Example This paper briefly analyses the cognitive learning theory and various cognitive functions with respect to a learning activity; â€Å"using a computer application†. I960’s have witnessed the incorporation of cognitive skills to the learning theories. Edward Tolman was the first one who proposed the importance of cognitive functions in learning activities. Even though he was a behaviourist, he has given more preference to the internal mental phenomena and postulated that; Behavior should be studied at a local level; Learning can occur without reinforcement, Learning can occur without a change in behavior; Intervening variables must be considered; Behavior is purposive; Expectations of fact behavior; Learning results in an organized body of information (Cognitive Learning Theory, n.d) Gestalt psychology, Piagets developmental theory, Vygotskys developmental theory etc are some of the well known cognitive learning theories. Gestalt psychologist emphasized the importance of organizational processes of perception, learning, and problem solving. They believed that individuals were predisposed to organize information in particular ways Piaget considered people as active processors of information. In his opinion, knowledge can be described in terms of structures that change with development and cognitive development results from the interactions that children have with their physical and social environments. Vygotskys developmental theory emphasized the importance of social activities in mental development. He believed that children can often accomplish more difficult tasks when they have the assistance of other people more advanced and competent than themselves. (Cognitive Learning Theory, n.d) The propositional knowledge is the knowledge of facts that such and such is the case. For example, the knowledge that MS word is a product of Microsoft (which is evident from the name itself) is a propositional knowledge. Propositional

Monday, July 22, 2019

The differences in ethical and Christian views concerning homosexuality Essay Example for Free

The differences in ethical and Christian views concerning homosexuality Essay Homosexuality is a subject, which is forever being raised in todays media and society. It is constantly brought to the attention of many to be somewhat reassessed in terms of ethical and religious view points, whether through the newspapers or the television. While religious view points used to manipulate society in all matters, it now seems to be the media which influences and guides social attitudes towards homosexuality. For many years, it has been seen as intrinsically wrong to everybody, religious and secular. However, it is fast becoming more and more accepted by a larger number of people. Just the mention of homosexuality in a Roman Catholic Church is bound to be frowned upon or combated with a quick fire of biblical references to show you that homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of God. Catholicism has often been blamed for the development of homophobia, particularly in the West. While this may seem a little unfair, it is most certainly true that homophobia is ubiquitous within this Christian denomination. Many Catholics often refer to what few references there are in the Bible to the subject of homosexuality. For example, the story of the town called Sodom (Gen. 19-21) is one of the most famous indications that people often refer to. Here, a man named Lot is greeted by two of Gods divine messengers, who wish to warn Lot that God is displeased with the terrible behavior. He then receives men at his door saying that they wish to commit sexual acts with these divine messengers and in response to this, God burns the town to the ground. Christians believe that this was because of the men wishing to commit homosexual acts. They feel that there is no necessary analysis of this story as the message is quite clear. Jack T. Chick is a publisher of fundamentalist Christian leaflets and comic books. In one of his childrens comic books, entitled Birds and Bees, he wrote, The worst city was Sodom. These Sodomites worshipped Satan, were possessed with devils and they hated God. Their stink reached heaven and God was fed up with them. He planned to destroy them to keep their filthy lifestyle from spreading. As soon as they got Lot and his family out of Sodom, God firebombed the cities and turned them into ashes. Today, those same kinds of people are back, but now theyre called Gays! This opinion is shared by many Christians today and is often the message, which is portrayed through Christian propaganda such as this. From looking at this sort of publication, it is easy to see why Catholics are so frequently blamed for the development of homophobia. However, many Catholics today argue that this was simply a misinterpretation of the biblical reference itself. John Macquarrie and James Childress wrote in the New Dictionary of Christian Ethics To the extent that the Sodom story focuses on homosexual acts, the judgment is on the homosexual rape of divine messengers, and its larger judgment appears to be against social injustice and inhospitality to strangers (see Ezek. 16:49-50). They clearly state that the passage in the bible is not about the homosexual acts themselves, but the wish to do it without consent, implying that homosexual acts are perfectly okay as long as they are with two compliant adults. Not only this, but God was displeased with how the men acted towards guests when they should have been hospitable in a more Christian and loving way. There are many other examples of homosexual references in the bible, such as the Levitical Holiness Code (Lev. 18:22; 20:13), which prescribes the death penalty for homosexual acts. The NT (New Testament) calls homosexual acts idolatry (Rom. 1:26-27) and suggests that certain homosexual activity will deny you entry into Gods Kingdom (1 Cor. 6:9-10, 1 Tim. 1:9-10) But yet again, Macquarrie and Childress argue the same thing. They wrote, The references in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy quite clearly take the sordid and dehumanizing dimensions of Greco-Roman pederasty as their image of homosexual relations. Macquarrie and Childress argue that the reference in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy are in reference to relations between men and boys and not in fact between two grown men. This changes the meaning entirely of the supposed reference to homosexuality, as we know very well that relations between men and boys is still found highly unacceptable and illegal even in todays society, not just in the religious circles. This is a highly different interpretation to what most Catholics would agree with, however, as times change many Catholics are actually considering these alternative interpretations to meet with the ever changing ethical views of society. There were many others to follow Macquarrie and Childress in re-interpreting the Bible and its rules on homosexuality. Many criticized Catholics for ignoring other rules that suited them but sticking to the rules about homosexuality because they didnt like the idea. In his book, Ethical Studies, David Bowie wrote The bible condemns hypocrisy and greed, but no one died at the stake in medieval times for these offences, while homosexuals perished. This view was shared by the likes of John Boswell (1982) and Gareth Moore (1992). Moore wrote, in his book The Body in Context: Sex and Catholicism (1992), that Christians dont follow the rule in Leviticus 19:19 that states that wearing garments that are made of two types of material is forbidden. He goes further to say that we ignore the laws, which are convenient to us while pursuing those that attack minorities that we dont like (pp. 184-186). He too agrees with the interpretation of the Sodom story, which states that God was troubled by the failure to meet the responsibility of hospitality, as oppose to disapproving homosexuality (p. 191). St. Paul wrote that homosexuality often comes from godless people who lead a precarious lifestyle. In 1 Corinthians he lists all kinds of unrighteous people including male prostitutes and sodomites. He says that people engaging in same sex actions are dishonoring their bodies. He also writes about men committing shameless acts with men. Moore also criticizes this idea from St. Paul. Moore argues that, whilst this may have been true in St. Pauls lifetime, it certainly isnt true now; with the fact there are many holy, Christian homosexuals around today who just want to be accepted. This doesnt fit into St. Pauls argument of godless homosexuals. While biblical references are very powerful to Catholics as Gods spoken word, there are also many modern day references that are used by Catholics such as the Declaration on Sexual Ethics (1975) which states In Sacred Scripture homosexual acts are condemned as a serious depravity and even presented as a sad consequence of rejecting God. This judgment of scripture does not, of course, permit us to conclude that all those who suffer from this anomaly are personally responsible for it, but it does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and cannot be approved of. This seems to express the general view of conservative Catholics and provides another reason for practicing Catholics to be against homosexuality even if it is not entirely what they think. If it is written in something as serious as the Declaration on Sexual Ethics, people feel that they must follow it no matter what simply because they dont want to go against their religion. Disagreeing with this documentation would be opposing what the modern day Catholicism is requiring them to do and therefore many Catholics see it as intrinsically wrong to be homosexual, no matter what the reasons or circumstances. As well as actual textual references that say homosexuality is wrong, there are many other arguments that are always put forward by Catholics. Perhaps the most famous was that developed by Thomas Aquinas, called The Natural Law. This is the idea that sex is only for pro-creation, that is having children. He argues that this is why God gave us the sexual organs and using them for anything other than reproduction would be to misuse our bodies. Of course, this includes any form of homosexual activity and many Christians stick to this rule explicitly. This means, however, that some Christians find it perfectly acceptable to be homosexual but remain celibate throughout their entire lifetime. There are several Christian denominations that do find forms of homosexuality acceptable. Quakers say that homosexuality is no more deplorable than left-handedness and that it is the nature and quality of the relationship that matters. This means that as long as the relationship is a loving and caring relationship then it is perfectly acceptable no matter who is involved. This view is shared by the Methodist denomination of Christianity, which states that For homosexual men and women, permanent relationships characterized by love can be an appropriate and Christian way of expressing their sexuality. Many Christians believe that the most important teaching of Jesus was that you must love each other and treat each other how you would like to be treated. In this case, we must treat homosexuals with respect and not judge them for their way of living. We must show compassion for every human being, no matter what his or her race, creed or sexuality. While these religious views are still seen as highly acceptable, it is fast becoming the ethical views that are dominating the societys opinion of homosexuality. Due to the investigation into the cause of homosexuality, many people now believe that being a homosexual is something that you do not choose to be, something that you cannot change about yourself. The causes of homosexuality can often be split up into different categories; biological, psychoanalytical and social learning theories. And of course many doctors and psychologists seem to go for a combination of all three. However, despite the general consensus that we do not know the cause of homosexuality, there have been certain aspects of it that people agree on. For example, we know that it seems to become fixed in early childhood, usually by the age of seven. This is said to be not of the individuals own choice. Another agreement is that while efforts to change ones sexual practices may be successful, it will not change the sexual orientation of the individual and things such as feelings and desires. And finally, people agree upon the fact that most people are neither exclusively heterosexual nor homosexual but that they have leading predispositions towards either orientation. With these ethical considerations in mind, many people take these into deliberation when making judgments or decisions about homosexuality. People often question whether homosexuality actually is a moral issue. Not all Christians would find these biblical references useful or even relevant to the modern day debate as to whether homosexuality is right or wrong. We also have to consider the views of those who dont follow the Christian tradition at all. At which point does homosexuality become a moral problem for people in society? Surely sexual acts that occur between two consenting adults, homosexual or heterosexual, are perfectly okay in the privacy of their own homes. True, people shouldnt be exposed to things that they may find offensive in their opinion but it doesnt mean that they can stop other people from doing so. Of course there has been the issue of homosexuality in the law. What is legal is not necessarily the same as what is moral. Up until 1967, it was illegal to perform sexual acts at any time in any place. However, the 1967 Sexual Offences Act legalized homosexuality but many people still think it should be against the law. J.S. Mill claimed The only purpose for which power can be rightfully be exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others. This opinion was shared by John Rawls who stated every person has a right to the maximum amount of liberty compatible with allowing liberty for all.(Ethics: Homosexuality by Reg Luhman p.20) This means that every individual, homosexual or heterosexual has the right to do whatever he or she want as long as it doesnt harm other people. He questions why people think they have the right to deny some human beings of their right to be homosexual and happy at the same time. However, Lord Devlin challenged this. He stated in his lecture on the reinforcement of morals, that homosexuality could damage our societys status and that allowing homosexuality to exist legally could jeopardize this. He believes that a society must do what it takes to preserve its own existence even if this means illegalizing homosexual acts in private between consenting adults. H.L.A. Hart criticized Devlin for this, drawing divisions between what is immoral and what is an upset to public civility. It brings attention to the fact that sexual acts between husband and wife would be seen as perfectly okay as long as it was in private but if it public then it would be considered immoral. However, sexual acts between two homosexuals would be considered immoral whether it was private or in public. He says The idea that we may punish offenders against a moral code, not to prevent harm or suffering or even repetition of the offence but simply as a means of venting or emphatically expressing moral condemnation, is uncomfortably close to human sacrifice as an expression of religious worship. The fact that humans can punish other humans for doing nothing but expressing their sexuality seems morally wrong in itself. To punish someone for something which they cannot help and did not choose is a far greater and unchristian way of dealing with the issue than allowing them to be homosexual in the privacy of their own homes etc. Joseph Fletcher argued that any of the 10 commandments or moral values could be broken if the circumstances required people to do so. He proposed the idea of situation ethics, which suggested that acts should be committed depending on what would be the most loving thing to do. The obvious problem with this is that we cannot know the outcome of any action and so we cannot determine what the most loving thing to do would be. But in the situation where two people love each other very much and feel that they must find a way to express their love, Fletcher would argue that they should be allowed to express it simply because they are acting out of love for each other and not causing any harm to anybody. With these considerations in mind, people still find homosexuality immorally wrong, whether theyre religious or not. Many people call it unnatural and against what man was made to do, so to speak. Natural would be to preserve the human race and of course, homosexual relationship do not do this. Charles Darwin proposed the idea of Naturalistic Humes Law which said that just because things are natural does not mean they are good and just because things are artificial or unnatural does not mean they are evil or bad. If we put this into modern day perspective we can see that, while homosexuality may be considered unnatural (which it may or may not be depending on ones opinion), it does not mean it is necessarily wrong. This seems to suggest that the question of whether homosexuality is natural or unnatural is irrelevant because that factor doesnt contribute to whether it is right or wrong, moral or immoral. In conclusion, it seems that there will probably always be an issue with homosexuality and religious groups until religious leaders are willing to see alternative interpretations of their sacred texts. However, it does seem that many people are beginning to accept homosexuality into society without the consideration of religion. The media has heavily influenced the acceptance of homosexuality as well as the legalizing of it in 1967. In a few years times, homophobia should be almost non-existent, excluding the religious groups who arent willing to change their views with the modern day times. We could argue forever which view is more right in terms or morals and religious aspects but in the end it depends entirely upon personal opinion and we cannot force people to be okay with something as controversial as this. Homophobia should be something, which will diminish given time. Bibliography Ethical Studies David Bowie (2001) Groundwork of Christian Ethics Richard G. Jones (1984) A New Dictionary of Christian Ethics Edited by John Macquarrie and James Childress (1986) Religious Studies Sarah K. Tyler and Gordon Reid (2002) On Liberty J.S. Mill (1859) The Body In Context: Sex and Catholicism- Gareth Moore (1992) Rediscovering Gay History: Archetypes of Gay Love in Christian History John Boswell (1982) Ethics: Homosexuality Reg Luhman (1999)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Emily Dickinsons And John Keats Poetry Death English Literature Essay

Emily Dickinsons And John Keats Poetry Death English Literature Essay Death is an unavoidable part of life; and it is true that everyone is well aware of the fact that the circle of life includes both a beginning and an ending. Emily Dickinson and John Keats accept the fact that death goes hand and hand with life, and write about it in their poetry as their own way of dealing with it. While both use death in their poetry they use it in different ways. For Dickinson, both her poems, I like a look of Agony and Split the Lark and youll find the Music, show how death is a way to find the truth of a person. However, for Keats, in his poem Ode to a Nightingale death is feared but also seems to be the better option, compared to the suffering and pain life seems to bring. Both poets use their works to express their feelings and views of death. During the Civil War, Emily and her family, were especially affected because friends of the family were often killed in battle. Death of close friends was a significant feature of Emilys life; many close to her were taken away. This consequently heightened her interest, fascination and perhaps fear of death, which appeared in so much of her poetry, including I like a look of Agony and Split the Lark and youll gind the Music (Tandon 123). Death, the final experience one has, is for Dickinson the best benchmark; it reveals the ultimate truth or reality. In her poems I like a look of Agony and Split the Lark and youll find the Music, Dickinson shows the reader how the real truth of a person is found and seen in death. Here she is wishing pain on another, watching them in anguish in the final moments of life leading to death, doing so just so she can trust them. It is impossible to pretend or fake, so she finds out the real truth through the agony of the dying person. Dickinson turns the agony of death into a positive, because it is one of the few things that an observer can see and trust; to her it is a rare moment of undoubted truth. The detailed specifics of this poem make it clear that she has watched someone in agony, and by her own admission, has enjoyed it, which makes the poem even more disturbing. She doesnt just need tears of agony to trust someone, she wants a Convulsion, a Throe, glazed over eyes, Beads upon the Forehead. These are all symbols of the worst kind of pain, a pain that ends in death. This just goes to show how much Dickinson values the truth. The awful details of the ending of a life are to her valuable details because they are the proof that what she sees, hears and feels are real and true. This truth is a connection for her and the person dying because she can trust them fully, in most ways that she cannot trust others. The second poem by Dickinson, Split the Lark and youll find the Music has much of the same meaning of death. In this poem, the death of the lark reveals the truth, that the bird is in fact capable of sound and music. But the death of the bird comes with a price, after you have found the truth, that it is in fact capable of music, it is dead and can never sing again. Here Dickinson questions whether finding the absolute truth is worth the price of death. She begins the poem in the first stanza by explaining to the reader: By split the lark Dickinson means just that by cutting the lark open, you will easily find the bits and pieces that make the music bulb after bulb. She goes onto say, that if you want to make absolutely certain that it is true you can dissect it. Her description of the scarlet experiment and the gush after gush is the blood of the bird from being dissected and pulled apart. In the last stanza Dickinson also addresses one who, like Thomas, lacks belief and faith in what is true. Thomas in the Bible refused to believe that Christ had risen, that he lived, he lacked the faith in what was true, just like person killing the Lark. In both of Dickinsons poems, death is used to find the ultimate and final truth, something, which to her seems vitally important. John Keats views death differently in his poem Ode to a Nightingale. While Dickinson views death as a way to find truth, Keats fears death and wishes to live vicariously through the nightingale, who is, in his opinion, immortal. If he cannot live as a happy nightingale, Keats claims during the poem that he would like to die listening to the song of the nightingale and escaping the pain of life. Keats explains the pains of life to the nightingale in the third stanza saying: Surrounded by the nightingales song, the speaker thinks that the idea of death seems richer than ever, and he longs to die in the night with no pain while the nightingale pours its soul joyfully out. If he were to die, he explains that the nightingale would continue to sing, but he would have ears in vain and no longer be able to hear. Keats explains that the nightingale was . . .not born for death . . . but is an immortal bird and the reader can sense how he longs to be like the bird, happy in no pain and in no fear of death. Both poets use death in different ways to cope with their own understanding, interest, fascination and fear of it. They invite the reader in to see what death means to them and how they see it should be viewed. While Emily Dickinson views death as a way to find the truth about something or someone, Keats sees death as a fearful event but also a freeing one, which releases a person from the pain and suffering of life. While they are different in the way the use death in their poems, as well as, how the view death, they are both effective in conveying their feelings and emotions on the subject to the reader.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Requirement for Marijuana Legalisation

Requirement for Marijuana Legalisation Christopher Cunningham The need of Marijuana I. Boost of Revenue and different types of marijuana a. The need of Marijuana in our country making the drug legal to use recreationally by all 50 states. The benefits are huge when it comes to all states benefiting from money that they have earned in one year is one billion dollars, which was Colorado who made that much money from sales. Can you imagine who will benefit from the marijuana sold, first the children will have better schools, equipment such as computers, physical exercise programs, not to mention the economy will start being better from years to come. The Boost of revenue can only make America great again and flourishing from all the money spent on the war and just maybe we can go back to the way it used to be, when jobs were easy to get and prices on goods were not outrageous. b. Indica is kush from afghanistan making you lazy. c. Sativa is alternatively gives you energy used for depression and exhaustion. d. Hybrid it gives you both Indica and Sativa which is why its hybrid. e. Cannabis compound THC and CBD carry there own properties in medicine. II. People who benefit from Marijuana a. The people who will benefit from marijuana sales are police officiers and I want to tell you why this is really important. The more police officiers out on the treats means there will be less crime happening, and less drug dealers on the streets. If that happens the state will benefit from all the revenue from marijuana. c. People who are sick will easily attain marijuana which to me is great. I have seen people who have certain diseases and they are always in pain and the doctor didnt give them medical marijuana because there is no use to using the drug or it is not legal for the patient to use. Being a parent who sees there child in pain will do anything in there power to make sure they feel better. Marijuana is that drug that can reduce pain and help people deal with there current diseases that normal medicine is not working. b. Helps with being skinny and raising your metabolism in some people. III. The types of diseases that need marijuana a. Glaucoma is an eye disease that puts pressure on the eye ball and damages the optic nerve in your eye. This also minimizes the effects of cancer causing agents. b. Alzheimer disease as shown to slow down the effects so that you may live a longer life. c. Stomach diseases like crones disease can subside with marijuana. d. Parkinsons disease can be controlled with marijuana. e. Lupus disease is when the body attacks itself similar to aids. f. hep c is controlled and side affects shortened and increases treatment. IV. People with chronic pain a. Multiple sclerosis is pain in the spine which is controlled with the drug marijuana. b. Helps with muscle spasms and can be subdued with marijuana. c. People who suffer from arthritis pain can be away with marijuana. d. PTSD is very common in veterans who served in the military calms them down and out bursts. e. Protects your brain after a stroke thanks to marijuana. g. Helps with concussions in sports thanks to marijuana. h. Relieves pain from chemotherapy patients another great reason. V. Conclusion I am very serious about this subject of getting marijuana legal in all states. The fact that all states will benefit from marijuana and obviously all the people in the state will benefit with better schools, roads, toll bridges will be paid off. Kids will have better equipment such as computers, physical exercise equipment will be good. My main point of having you guys agreeing with me is the people who cannot access the drug because only 28 states makes medical marijuana accessible to patients. I remember seeing this child and it was sad, she had seizures every 10 mins and can you imagine your child going through such pain. But thanks to cbd which is a liquid base marijuana that can be mixed in with food so that children can consume it. She was relieved from the seizures not happening that often, she was temporarily cured for that day.   As a parent I would give my child marijuana either by inhalation or cbd if it help them live a better life. References 23 health benefits of marijuana. (). Retrieved from marijuana. (). Retrieved from marijuana. (). Retrieved from marijuana. (). Retrieved from

John And The Rebels: Act V Of Tragedy Of Richard Iii Rewritten As A Na :: essays research papers

The boy-page held the tent flap open as Richmond and his officers emerged out. They had been occupied in there since the messenger came with the letter from Stanley and had not emerged for hours afterwards. The page had waited obediently; making sure that no one interrupted the counsel. As Richmond came out, his kind eyes fell on the boy and he greeted him with a warm smile, â€Å"Hello John†. He remembers my name! John’s heart filled with pleasure. His nervousness didn’t let him speak so he just bowed and smiled back. Richmond ruffled his blond hair and asked him to tend to his duties. Since the page had none, he just moved away and watched the knight pass through the ranks, instructing and encouraging the men to get ready for tomorrow’s battle. John knew that he had made the right decision when he fled from London to join the rebels. Since he was only eleven he was not allowed to be a soldier but Sir Oxford had noticed the boy’s skill with horses and so he had personally taken him in to be his page. He was content with the time spent in Richmond’s force although it was filled with hard chores. He was made responsible for many things and this made him proud to be a pageboy. He had met many other boys like him, who had fled from the tyranny of the evil King. Like the others his own family had suffered under Richard’s harsh rule. The Kings men had beheaded his father, being a noble. His mother had then left for another man and had forgotten about her only child. No one else to turn to, John fled to Richmond. Here he found the love and protection he had yearned for and enjoyed the hard work found in a marching army. A cheer from the men caused John to interrupt his thoughts. He saw that Richmond now stood on a platform, his head high above the others. John looked at him with admiration and pride. The knight’s warm eyes surveyed his men in a way that filled them with courage and security. As he spoke his bold voice carried clearly to John, â€Å"My brave men and loving friends! We have marched into the centre of the land with no resistance from the enemy. Victory is near. Our forces shall crush the tyranny that plagues this land.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Back to Africa Effect :: essays research papers fc

What role did Marcus Garvey play in the Civil Rights movement? When many people think about leaders during Black History Month (February) they think about people like Martin Luther King Jr., George Washington Carver, Harriet Tubman, and Booker T. Washington.. Now that is acceptable, but rarely does anyone remember the man who sparked the Civil Rights movement in America, my cousin, Marcus Garvey. I want to acknowledge my cousin on his achievements and also thank him for what he has done for the African-American race. Marcus Garvey may not have made the same kind of contributions that other Civil Rights leaders have made, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t fight for his people Marcus Garvey made one of the greatest contributions of the Civil Rights movement by trying to help out the Negro community all over the world, in a movement known as â€Å"Back to Africa.† Marcus Garvey had two very different parents.’ Marcus’s mother was a gentle, slim, beautiful woman. â€Å"She was known for being kind and helpful woman to her neighbors and for working hard to bring up her family† (Lawler 15).Marcus’s father was different of another sort; he was hard, stern, and stubborn. â€Å"A skilled stonemason, he cut and shaped white rock for the walls of nearby plantation houses belonging to Jamaica’s wealthy estate owners. But he only worked when he felt like it.†(Lawler 16).Now although these were good qualities to have, in addition to â€Å"brilliant intellect and dashing courage,† his father’s bold, determined, strong, stubborn, and fearless attitude led to his downfall. Marcus’s father liked to read and received a newspaper every week for 20 years and he thought it was a gift from the editor, yet when the publisher died, the executors of the estate sent Garvey Sr. a bill that he steadfastly ignored and as a result he was then taken to court and in a series of events his including property being sold to cover the debts and quarrels with neighbors over land boundaries the Garvey estate was soon down to the little land that their house stood on. Now Marcus Garvey’s father was stubborn but that runs deep in his blood lines as a Maroon. The Maroons were a group of escaped Jamaican slaves who fought British colonial rule during the 17th & 18th century. Marcus Mosiah Garvey, named after his father, was born on April 17, 1881, to Sarah and Marcus Garvey.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Racial discrimination in the Workplace Essay

Racial discrimination has long been a problem in social history. The discrimination of ethnic minorities has been a controversial issue, existent in society, and workplaces for many years. The implementation of ethnic monitoring and positive discrimination in employment has increased the number of ethnic employees and gone a long way to mend the bridge of inequality which has burdened society for a long time. Another method introduced to try and counter the racial inequality in employment is that of Affirmative Action. Affirmative action calls for minorities and women to be given special consideration in employment, education and contracting decisions, to increase their number in the workplace. Affirmative action is a controversial issue which has been debated by many. In this essay I am going to look at the advantages and disadvantages of affirmative action and what affect it has on society. I will also debate whether I think affirmative action is a fair method to implement in organisations, and also whether it can be considered to be fair from a philosophical perspective. Affirmative action was defined as an attempt to enlarge opportunity for everyone, it was designed to redress the imbalances caused by long-standing discrimination. Defenders of affirmative action argue that granting modest advantages to minorities and women is more than fair, given hundreds of years of discrimination that benefited whites and men. This implies that as blacks have previously suffered from detrimental racist discrimination and wrongdoings, including slavery and not having the right to vote, they now deserve extra benefits to compensate. This is known as â€Å"reverse racism†. It argues that as whites once set themselves apart from blacks and claimed privileges for themselves while denying them to others, now, on the basis of race, blacks are able to claim special status and reserving for themselves privileges they deny to others. The question then arises: Do two wrongs make a right? This is what affirmative action is condoning. It says that we are allowed to overlook  suitable white candidates if a black candidate is available. This means that even if the white candidate were a better choice and more qualified for the job, the black person would be hired because of the past injustices his race has suffered. People say affirmative action is acceptable because it cures past discrimination (Keyes 1996). However, discrimination was not acceptable when blacks were the ones discriminated against, therefore it’s not ok when whites are discriminated against (DeWit 1996). The answer is that two wrongs do not make a right – affirmative action does not make discrimination acceptable, just because it is now against whites instead of blacks. It has been said that job discrimination is grounded in prejudice and exclusion, whereas affirmative action is an effort to overcome prejudicial treatment through inclusion. The most effective way to cure society of exclusionary practices is to make special efforts at inclusion, this is what affirmative action does. We can explain the theory behind affirmative action with this example; the logic of affirmative action is no different than the logic of treating a nutritional deficiency with vitamin supplements. For a healthy person, high doses of vitamin supplements may be unnecessary or even harmful, but for a person whose system is out of balance, supplements are an efficient way to restore the body’s balance. The equal opportunities law was introduced into society due to the discrimination ethnic minorities had received in history. The policies were implemented to counter racial discrimination and bias. Thus, the equal opportunities law was not created to treat different races differently, its purpose was to treat all people as equals. Affirmative action, however, does not adhere to this principal as by dismissing perfectly capable white candidates for a role in order to employ a less qualified black person, we are not treating everyone as equals. (Hacker 1990). A major disadvantage of affirmative action in the workplace is the affect it has on the organisation and its employees. Affirmative action can be very detrimental to the organisation as hiring an under qualified worker puts  others at risk if he or she doesn’t have enough experience. It is also financially dangerous and a company should not pay inexperienced people to do work they’re not qualified for. Affirmative action will only work short term because if you hire a minority who is under qualified they will eventually lose their job. Another problem arises as organisations can only hire so many people, and this may result in too many under qualified people working for you and will eventually have to abandon affirmative action all together. Affirmative action means that employees who benefit from it bear the mark of not being the best pick, but only the best pick from a limited group (DeWit 1996) It would be better for an employees self-esteem if they knew they got a job because they were the best person for the job, not because they were black and under-represented. It is also possible that because of affirmative action, racism within an organisation will increase. If a company hires a black person who is not as good as another white candidate, employees will begin to resent him/her. If they gained their job based on their skin colour, rather than because they were the most qualified, they may become disliked and resented because of their skin colour. This could also lead to lack of respect for a black boss which would be detrimental to the organisation and the happiness of employees. One of the arguments for affirmative action is that blacks should be compensated for injustices done to their ancestors by white people. This idea contradicts the human right of individuality. It implies that if a white persons ancestor showed racist behaviour, they will be discriminated against because of this. The reality of this is completely unfair, why should one person be punished for something they had no control over, and similarly why should black people receive preferential treatment for behaviour they have not suffered from. That is to say, a black man will be treated in a better way than a white man, as his grandfather was the victim of slavery. The implementation of this is unrealistic and immoral,  especially as we should aim to promote equality among all. As discussed above this kind of preferential treatment will only cause resentment and ultimately the resentment of the black man, purely for being black. The real factor in affirmative action, is that are blacks getting their jobs because they are qualified and able, or because they are black? If the decisive factor is their skin colour and not their ability to work, then affirmative action is a flawed method. Businesses will only ever survive and be profitable if they employ the most suitable and qualified candidate for the job. For this to happen and for the organisation to ensure they have hired the best person for the job, recruitment methods must be colour-blind. This means the people in charge of recruitment should assess each application based on its merits and qualifications, not on the ethnic background of the applicant. Discrimination can only be rooted out by enforcing strictly anti-discrimination rules, without engaging in reverse discrimination which would alienate good white male candidates for employment and promotion who, after all, are not to be blamed by past injustices. From a philosophical point of view affirmative action does not comply with deontological theory, which states that it is our duty to do what is right whatever its consequences, and what is right consists in treating all human beings with respect and due consideration for their rights and liberties. This shows us that racial discrimination goes against these deontological beliefs. However, as deontology shows us that racism is wrong, as it does not treat all human beings with respect, does this mean affirmative action is the right way to go? In my opinion, affirmative action is not a solution to the deontological problem of racism. That is because affirmative action does not treat all human beings with respect and due consideration. Affirmative action disregards the consideration of the white men applying for the jobs, as its aim is to employ black people. From a utilitarian point of view, affirmative action has some key flaws. Utilitarianism says in effect that the rightness of an action (or practical  policy) consists in its tendency to produce the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people than any alternative. Affirmative action would therefore only work if the people within a company were for the idea. Taking a more likely situation, based on historical facts, there are more likely to be a greater number of white males in an organisation. If this is the case and one of them is overlooked for promotion because of a less qualified black man, as the company is employing affirmative action, this goes against utilitarianism ideologies of promoting the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. In conclusion, I do not agree with affirmative action, the unfair treatment of ethnic minorities has been a harsh reality on society for a long time and it needs to be addressed. However, the method of affirmative action, which goes out of its way to hire a black man, purely because he is black, leads us to the same racial inequality that was a problem when blacks were not hired, for being black. Although the idea of affirmative action was implemented to give black people better opportunities it is still a form of discrimination. When an employer hires someone because he or she is a minority, even if someone else if more qualified to do the job, it is discrimination. Just because it is reverse discrimination, when whites are discriminated against and minorities are being discriminated for, doesn’t make it right. â€Å"Affirmative action legalizes discrimination†. (Steele 1990) The efforts of affirmative action are no different from the policies that created the disadvantages in the first place, although the idea is trying to redress the balance of inequality, I feel it is causing more harm than good in the work place. It is undemocratic to give one class of citizen’s advantages at the expense of other citizens; the truly democratic way is to have a level playing field to which everyone has access and where everyone has a fair and equal chance to succeed purely on the basis of his or her merit. Hard work and merit, not race or religion or gender or birthright, should determine who prospers and who does not.

Cialis †Harvard Business School Case Essay

1.Problem Statework legionstLilly- ICOS LLC is some to launch a new and innovational product intended to help men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Because of the eccentric product features, Cialis the product has good chances of decorous successful even though it is entry a divide, where Pfizers Viagra is the noncontroversial market leader. In this context, Lilly- ICOS LLC must limit on a trade strategy, in particular which groups to direct and which positioning gum olibanum which communication strategy to choose.2. Situation psychoanalysis (refer to Exhibit 1+2)Lilly- ICOS LLC is a conjunction venture between ICOS, a lowly biotechnological start up (no FDA registration have a go at it and no marketing capabilities) and Elli Lilly Company, a outstanding pharmaceutical company with strong competencies in developing innovative quality of c atomic number 18er medicines.Competitive product Viagra has strongest smear recognition of any pharmaceutical label i n the world, practically the synonym for ED (product well established in market, fade away taboo). Pfizer also known for fierce and continue marketing campaigns post launch (exceptionally utmost marketing budget) and largest gross gross sales force in industry.Competition from Bayers Levitra non relevant, expected to mainly target ecological niche market of diabetics.Promotion Communication way on classic media print/ billboard ad mainstream magazines (i.e. news magazines) to target couples, distaff magazines to address partners and (conservative) male magazines (c atomic number 18ful selection not to tap in playboy dose trap) TV prime time understands that pop off target audience, male proper(postnominal) i.e. sports advertising no celebrities, average couples as perfume of communication. Communication message should focus on communication/ dialogue as the light upon to a healthy sex living + birth, ED is treatable, encourage couples to talk openly about the cond ition and see a doctor/ seek treatmentCialis as the check for couples skunk help to rediscover intimacy and endearment in a spring up relationship furthermore multifaceted below the p arntage marketing actions physician turn up take advantage of trained sales force (help dissolve insecurities about addressing condition), show distinct advantages of Cialis from medical checkup point of location (almost no side effects), make positive(predicate) approach is differentiated from Pfizer sales force (soft strategy aggressive), distribute POS material + idle samplesPlace as Cialis is a prescription do drugs it will be available at pharmacies and local drug stores. Ensure monetary fund before campaign launch, so lease can be met and potential buyers arent driven away by unavailability. broad samples at doctors and hospitals, issue voucher through and through website redeemable at pharmacies/ drug stores.5.ImplementationWe trust in the advantages of our product and therefore a re confident that we can have a strong market entry in the US market. Considering our potential target segment and relying on past Viagra sales and market share we believe that we can initially gain a 15% market share within initiatory social class and are expecting to grow 10% annually over the next 5 yrs. With an initial price of $12 per pill (bundled in packs of 6 reflecting current customer consumption habits) we remain affordable to the average customer but we are clarifying our premium status. Thus we expect sales of $700Mn and a profit of $630Mn (margins = Viagra) (see exhibit 4). In order to reach our ambitious goals we are convinced that a strong marketing budget is essential for reaching nimble market penetration and gaining market share. We sine qua non to allocate $100Mn for launch and first year (distribution negotiable, 50% classical advertising).Below the line marketing measures internet launch specific online portal that provides information about medical condi tion and possible treatments (especially for patients who have late been diagnosed, offers privacy + anonymity), include physician spotter to easily access treatment termination to home direct mailing to households resembling target group, establish customer loyalty cabaret who get discounts on prescription + are informed about newest research phylogeny of condition but also manner style news e.g. travel and eatery tips incentives i.e. offer weekend- couple hideaways to revitalize relationship to i.e. Cialis Mountain Cabin, Cialis Yacht etc.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nigeria Labor Practices and Policies

For the past historic period the play along has been experiencing hampered development in toll of turnout and statistical dispersal of our dress line. This slow solidifyingback has been seen as a result of inadequate commercializeing railing against vulnerability and product brand rec every last(predicate). Err hotshotous decisions in market positioning have withal been some of the factors that resulted to scummy out fill in thus hindering the political partys gain for profit. This piece is geargond towards exploring new avenues with regards to new locations in the clothing line market.We would try to investigate 3 referred locations in countries in Latin America and Africa, namely Bolivia, Sri Lanka and Nigeria. As p artistry of our initial recommendation, this paper would be counsel its first part of the report to the sphere of Nigeria. found on preliminary investigation done, Nigeria is existence viewed as the most conducive and most advantageous among the three countries in this case strike. All of the necessary issues and concerns would be tackled and be briefly discussed on the foregoing items. homogeneous any other s overeign farming, force back policies in Nigeria argon being controlled and monitored by the political sympathies. Labor coupler practices are allowed by the state, as part of the foreign community, Nigeria has signed and ratified the Inter matter Labor Organizations (ILO) practice on freedom of association and the creation of diligence union. however, prior ( armament) rulers recognized a single telephone exchange labor body, the Nigerian Labor Congress (NLC), thereby de-legitimizing other unions.Except for members of the armed forces and selected employees essential by the government, Nigerian workers in all levels may nub trade unions and strike. Employees essential to government operations embroil firefighters, police, employees of the profound bank, the security printers (printers of currency, passports, and government forms), and customs and itch staff. Collective bargaining is widespread in numerous sectors of the economy. Nigerian law specifically the Nigerian industrial Courts, an in interdepen snatch arm of the judiciary protects workers from retaliation by employers for labor activity.In terms of the protection of Nigerian Children against child labor, Nigerias 1974 labor rules of order prohibits employment of children on a lower floor 15 years of age in mercantilism and industry and restricts other child labor to home-based outlandish or domestic work. The law further stipulates that no person under(a) the age of 16 may be employed for more than eight hours per day. The decree allows the apprenticeship of youths under specific conditions Labor laws in Nigeria also enforce strict compliance on the guard of its workers.Just compensation for injured workers and dependent survivors of those killed in industrial accidents are rigorously being enforce on employers. Cultura l Attitude Towards Women and Children As in more ethnically diverse countries, womens map in Nigeria is based on ethnic and regional differences. bulk of the Nigerian women that are dormant secluded under Islamic beliefs and principles are comm that less educated and some ages hindered from formal precept. Most of urban Nigerian Women are working as stall vendors operating(a) small stalls.Even in elite families of the society, Nigerian womens front in societal gatherings and other functions are either non-existent or very controlled. However, in advance(a) times Nigerian womens straw man in modern society is rising but is still a long foreseeable future for Nigerian womens role in a rural dominated by the principles of old of the male gender. Children are treated as a part of the minority of the society. As mentioned on labor laws being enforced by the government, children are allowed to work providing they are not below 16 years old.In western nations the legal working a ge of children or minors are 18 and above, this fact just shows that opportunities for children to work is open at a younger age in Nigeria. At present, Nigerian means is greatly influenced by twain Nigerian ethnic culture and western influence. The forepart of diverse style in terms of influences has come a long way in Nigerian fashion. Many noted personalities in the country evolved as icon in the Nigerian fashion industry, many of them have international recognition.Nigeria has designers handle Maufechi, Divine, Monami, Kess Jabari, Meggito to mention a few. The presence of Nollywood, the cinematic center of Nigeria quasi(prenominal) to that of Hollywood serves as a typical role clay sculpture to the existing fashion statements in Nigeria. Opral Benson, an African fashion designer par excellence describes fashion as manner is continuously changing. You cannot compare the fashions of these days.. fake is something which is local, national and international.In short, fashio n all over the instauration is a quite dynamic phenomenon. Fashion trends evolves from ethnic to modern styles, rejuvenating the fashion of early years in Africa towards the influences from Europe and Western countries specifically Afro-American fashion statements from the US. Famous brands from western designers like Versace and Tommy cumulation Figger is presently being adored by focal ratio class society in Nigeria, thus only proving that blends in fashion is striving gracefully in the country. Nigeria being the most populated country in the African Continent is considered as a ternary base world developing country.Its bulk are ethnically divided and have some 250 ethnic groups, with varying languages and customs, creating a country of rich diversity. According to hoidenish Studies, US About 70 pct of all Nigerians were still living in farming villages in 1990, although the rural dwellers formed a shrinking harmonise of the later force. It was among these people that wa ys of life remained late consistent with the past. Nigerian economy is at its recuperation and development stage and is presently undergoing massive reforms to lift up the countries economic stand up.The importance of formal education has been one of the autochthonic concerns of the Nigerian Federal res publica and has baffle the largest favorable program of the government. At present more than 47% of the age group of 5 to 14 years old have attended primary winding to secondary schools. The secondary level age-group (ages fifteen to twenty- four) equal approximately 16 percentage of the entire existence in 1985. English is the official mode of charge above the secondary level of education. Federal Republic is the form of government of Nigeria.Historically, Nigeria re-achieved democracy in 1999 later on a sixteen-year-long interruption by a corrupt and brutal series of military dictators and counter-coups. Corruption is still one of the worse problems that the governme nt is facing. Nevertheless and as always in a third world government, new reforms are being undertaken to subdue art of this problem. The Club of Paris considers the economic reforms and policies of the present government under the leadership of President Olu gun ? basanj? is being considered strong and formidable.With a positive outlook, it must be important to note that the prevailing advantageous occurrence existing in the Federal government of Nigeria is in sum conducive and serves as a probable prospect to establish a boutique and a manufacturing coif. The existing labor laws of the country are gold to the type of employment that the plant leave behind call for in its operations. The improving educational level of learning and literacy rate of the prospective employees result be a key factor in streamlining plant and pulverization operations.The countries demographics being the largest population in West Africa and social conditions as mentioned on previous case fin ding points out considerably fair in attaining production growth in terms of sales and distribution of primary clothing line. Government reform policies in its economy and foreign policies will trigger our companys polish to expand and export broad(prenominal) quality products produced in the Nigerian based manufacturing plant. Last but not the least, the high fashion sense of Nigerians in terms of garments, in diverse influence and style will be a vast market for our products.The presence of a moving industry like Hollywood will serve as a high level market trend setter that would domiciliate consistent promotion of our clothing line. In summation, Nigeria will not only serve as a good place to establish a manufacturing plant but will also provide the company s a vast market to trade our products. A country situated in central South America with the present Unity Government headed by President Evo Morales of the Movement Towards Socialism (MTS) Party. The country is extremely dominated by indigenous people of Bolivia comprising almost 65% of its population.Bolivia experienced several military government takeovers in the past 5 decades. In terms of Economy, Bolivia is one of the least developed countries in South America and remains to be the poorest among its close nations. Around 65% of the countries population are considered agriculturally dependent and still lives in poverty. The social condition of Bolivia hinders its opportunity to grow as nation. With a large make out of grievances coming from the majority of Bolivian indigenous people, ranging from issues like poverty, labor disputes, political issues among other things.Bolivia is still experiencing conventional division of classes of which the working class remains to be in destitute. Political instability has been also a great factor in the slugging economy of the country. The presence of several political parties with contradicting policies and principles thwarts the countries emancipation from political turmoil. Disputes surrounded by labor and the state deepened under military rule. Bolivia was a country torn apart by regional, ethnic, class, economic, and political divisions.In terms of education, the present negative standing of Bolivian Government delays the development of general education in the country. Data from US Country Studies on Bolivia detects Dropout rates also remained extremely high. Only trey of first graders completed the fifth grade, 20 percent started secondary school, 5 percent began their postsecondary studies, and just 1 percent received a university degree. Dropout rates were high among girls and rural children. Only about 40 percent of rural youngsters continued their education beyond the third grade.Since poverty is the primary problem of the country, the overall expenditure of an average family relatively allotted to basic necessities such as food and shelter. Overall the obstructing difficulties surrounding Bolivias national predicam ent and dilemma have made our cobblers last that the country is the least among the three case study countries to establish a manufacturing plant and boutique. A country founded in the midst of racial difficulties, diversified trust and relatively unstable political strategy.Having a similar caste system as India, its mother nation, social divisions have had a direct and weighty sham on politics. These obstacles have produced several civil wars and created dent on the national standing of Sri Lanka for the past decades. ethnic rivalries also add unstable issues among political parties. uncollectible political situation and issues regarding security have been a part of the struggle of the economic standing of Sri Lanka. forcefulness has continued to dominate its criminal and justice system.Enforcement of labor laws and policies are still being considered by psychoanalyst as inconsistent. Labor unions are highly politicized with a variety of organizations representing different political parties. With regards to factory and manufacturing operations, current holidays, cultural and practices such as the working time frame of women deter and delays production. Education, however, have been a primary concern of the government. In the modern educational system of Sri Lanka, within the last four decades the rate of literacy went up to 46%, the number of schools increased by 50%.Teachers place second as part of the government workforces next to the plantation workers. With some positive notes on the standing of Sri Lanka, still the matter of security peril and political and social class instability contributes highly to the reason why our team rejected the country as a prospective location to set up and establish future manufacturing plant and boutique for our new clothing line. If such conditions and issues would be intercommunicate in the near future, Sri Lanka might be considered and be included in future studies.